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Rahil Aggarwal

Dear leaders of the ensuing world,

We are inheriting a world with conflicts on the rise and a steep fall in tolerance. It is much potent that we sustain the nerve to still dream and muster enough courage to imagine and create the world as it should be: more compassionate, more equal, and more sustainable. The world that is led by us students of democracy and secularity.

As we gather for the upcoming Model G20 Summit, I am reminded of the profound responsibility that rests upon each of your shoulders. The challenges we face are vast and complex, spanning issues such as health, environment, economics and much more. These issues require not only a deep understanding but also a commitment to utilizing the 21st-century skills of collaboration and negotiation.

We must work together to find innovative and effective strategies that ensure the safety and security of nations without compromising on the values we hold dear. As future leaders, you must engage in thoughtful discussions and negotiations to develop policies that address the root causes of these issues while upholding humanitarian principles.

Remember, as future leaders, you are not merely representing your nations but embodying the spirit of a global community. The 21st century demands leaders who can navigate complexity, cultivate collaboration, and find innovative solutions to the challenges that plague our world.

This Model G-20 Summit is not just a simulation; it is a training ground for the leadership that the world desperately needs. I have full confidence that each of you will rise to the occasion, embracing the opportunity to contribute to a better, more just, and more sustainable world.

Let us embark on this journey together, united in our commitment to making a positive impact on the world stage.

Chief Coordinator


Kedaar Bansal

Chief Coordinator

With great pleasure, I invite your school to participate in the 2nd edition of the Mayo Model G20 summit.

Our event seeks to bring together future leaders in a celebration of unity, embracing the richness of the human experience and all that it contains, at a time when global communities are experiencing an increase in differences and conflicts.

It becomes imperative to put aside our disagreements and move past tensions in order to engage in collaborative solutions through discourse and deliberation. Our differences transform into obvious voids when we put these differences aside and make a conscious effort to peacefully coexist in society.
As the great philosopher Aristotle once said, "It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organise the peace". It is time to work together as a global community and usher in an era of egalitarianism and economic sustainability with the collective effort of the global community as one.

As we go up to the mic on the dais, all of our preconceived notions and beliefs vanish, regardless of how grandiose our ideas about our abilities and the nations we represent may have been. As we continue to speak our hearts and ideas, may all these prejudices vanish just once more, here, at the second edition of the Mayo Model G20 Summit .






Mayo College, Ajmer



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