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“Global Financial Architecture: Replacing the outdated and creating the new, creating new organisations and leveraging technology to aid Global Development”

In today's age of unprecedented technological advancement, unparalleled interconnection and complex geopolitical dynamics, the need to revolutionise the global financial architecture has become more urgent than ever.


While institutions of the post-World War II era, such as those of the Bretton Woods organisations, arguably shaped the financial landscape, their relevance in today's fast-paced world is increasingly being questioned. The current global financial system and the infrastructure created in the aftermath of chaotic conflict and industrial expansion today struggle with the complex challenges of our reality.


Climate change threatens the ecosystems and economic stability of our planet, technological innovations are muddling traditional industries and work-life paradigms, income differences are growing and geopolitical tensions are increasing. These multifaceted challenges require an adaptive and dynamic response that the current institutional framework cannot adequately provide.


While institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have played a key role in promoting global economic stability and development, their effectiveness in responding to today's challenges is limited. Criticism of their outdated decision-making structures, governance mechanisms and policy frameworks, which often lag behind the rapid pace of global change, impairs their ability to take timely and appropriate action. To unlock and level the full potential of global development. The way to a sustainable and prosperous future is the creation of new, visionary institutions within the cooperation of the G20 countries. These new organisations must embody the principles of adaptability, inclusiveness and foresight to accurately and effectively navigate the complexities of today's globalisation.


New institutions that channel innovation and foresight can act as catalysts for transformative change, pressing issues such as climate resilience, equitable technological integration and inclusive economic growth. By fostering strategic partnerships and leveraging collective expertise, they can set the course for a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous global economy and ensure that the promise of sustainable development becomes a reality for all nations and people.



Mayo College, Ajmer



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